
As iron sharpens iron, so one man sharpens another. 

Proverbs 27:17

Who We Are

Our Mission

To be a community of men pursuing greater devotion to Jesus Christ together.

Our Vision

To live & lead like Jesus so that the people in our lives can taste & see the Lord's goodness through us.

We Value

Christlikeness. Service. Leadership. Evangelism. Community.
Discipleship. Prayer. Fellowship. Generosity. Faithfulness.

Ways to Get Involved

Monthly Men's Breakfasts

On the 2nd Saturday of each month at 8:00 a.m. we gather to enjoy food & fellowship in the Festival Foothills school gym. All men are welcome. Come & be inspired. You can register on The Church At Sun Valley's app.

TIM's Groups

TIM's stands for "There Is More." Experience a discipleship focused group of 5-7 men who meet bi-weekly together to challenge & encourage one another in their commitment to live with Jesus Christ as Lord.

Bible Miners

A Saturday morning Bible study group focused on digging deeper into God's Word by "following the veins" to mine out truth.
*Meets weekly accept for the 2nd Saturday of the month at Festival Foothills Elementary School, Building C, @ 8:00 a.m. Come anytime!

Service Opportunities

Serve the Lord through our grill team, set up team, welcome team, & other areas of service at The Church At Sun Valley. 

We are Here for You

Please reach out if you would like. to get involved, need support, or have any questions.